Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I'm Sorry I missed so much

Okay, I've missed a lot since we've last spoken..... I went to learn some more. The third day of me learning Aikido, I had a one-on-one lesson because no one showed up for class that day. I was caught up on the basics, such as Tai Sabaki (body movement), more Robuse, Hiji Kudaki (Elbow Smash), and Yuki Chigai (Under Arm Twist). The next class I had was more and more review on our yellow belt technuiques, which helped me a lot. The next class, we did a tai sabaki drill where I leared a lunge punch and my zen stance was corrected (I still have to work on that) we also learned Tenbin Nage (Yoke Throw). the next class after that was more review, which I appreciated, and I learned Kote Gaeshi (Wrist Turnover). So far, I've learned a lot and I'm very proud of that